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10th Grade Personal Projects

Imagine all of the things you always wanted to learn but never did.  

Imagine being encouraged to learn something that matters to you.  

Imagine your passion pursued and supported.

Be inspired.  Be passionate.  Be personal.  

That is the Personal Project.  


The Personal Project is a chance for students to take ownership of their own learning.  Students are given the task of learning something new and creating a product that demonstrates that learning.  Some students learn something completely new, while others enhance on something they've already begun learning.  

As students consider what topic to choose, they should consider both what they will learn and what the product of that learning could look like.  Here are some learning explorations by past students:

  •      learn a completely new skill (musical, artistic, physical, technical)

  •      master a previous skill

  •      create an original piece (art or invention)

  •      develop/ organize an event in the community

As long as its school appropriate, the sky is the limit for what the potential learning can be!  


Click here for even more details.


Basic Academy challenges and inspires all students to make the world a better place through education and action.

Basic Academy reta e inspira a todos los estudiantes para mejorar el mundo a través de la educación y sus acciones.

基  础  高   中   通  过  教  育  和  行  动  挑  战 、激  励  所  有  学  生,  使  世  界  更  美  好


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